Thursday, August 25, 2011

Tea Parties

One of my favorite things to do with friends is to host a tea party! There's something about drinking tea and eating cake and tea sandwiches from your best china. Not to mention how lovely it is when the girls and I dress in our Sunday best and use our best manners. My mum and I often have tea when we've had a rotten day and it's definitely a lovely cheering up.

There are several different types of tea party one can host.  Mum and I will often have Cream Tea which is where one serves scones, strawberry jam, cream and a pot of tea. It's simple and small - perfect tea for two.  I always serve Lady Grey tea, it's my absolute favorite.

Cream Tea with Mum - Replacing scones for cupcakes ;)

When I have the girls over we'll have Low Tea.  I'll serve tea sandwiches for the first course, sweets and scones for the second and of course hot tea! Sometimes I'll also make iced tea from fruit teas such as rasberry and blueberry. This isn't at all traditional but I find it nice in summer.

Low Tea with the girls - first course

Some of the goodies I make for low tea are asparagus rolls which are really simple, 2 spears of asparagus wrapped in buttered bread seasoned with pepper. Cucumber Sandwiches which is buttered bread with cut cucumber - couldn't be easier! Finally were the 'egg' sandwiches. I loved egg sandwiches before becoming vegan so I came up with an alternative.

Tarragon "Egg" Tea Sandwiches
You'll need
Soy Mayo (or vegan mayo)
Dijon Mustard or Mustard Powder
Lemon Juice
Curry Powder or Black Salt

Crumble the tofu into a bowl then combine the rest of the ingredients and spread on your bread!

Coconut Shuku Shuku
As far as sweets goes I'll quite often get creative with cupcakes, I'll also make scones and sometimes banana bread or carrot cake. More often than not I use it as an excuse to make something from the Frankie Sweet Treats book. Today I made the Coconutty Shuku Shuku as I had no clue what it was. I used no-egg instead of the egg yolks and a tea spoon of nutelex. They came out really well and are super yummy! Plus the little balls look super cute in teeny tea cups.

 Happy tea drinking!

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